
Showing posts from July, 2021


                              B rutality and voilence are always major part of war, and what else would one expect from an event with only one motive and that is to kill people. Nasty wars are a part of ever country's history and India is no different in that sense. As a civilization, India has seen some of the most disgusting and gruesome events of bloodshed for thousands of years. All wars are cruel, but some wars take this cruelty to a whole new level as in just one day thousands of people are killed in an event of mass murder. Today, let's take a look at 5 of the most brutal battles that Indian history has ever seen!    5. Battle of Khanwa (16 march,1527) Total deaths-50,000 or more - Foght between the invading forces of Babur and the King of Mewar, Rana Sanga and his Rajput and Afgan allies at Khanwa near Agra. - This horrific event of bloodshed lasted for 10 hours and it was amongst the 3 major battles that established Mughal rule in India. - It is mentioned by many histo


                         A ncient India was the most advanced civilization of the ancient world, advancement and progress was emphasized on every field of knowledge whether it was Science, Mathematics, Astrology, Physics, Metullurgy, etc. and even in the Entertainment prospect. Due to this reasons, ancient India was successful in Discovering and Inventing various things that that were helpful for enhancing the society and sciences alike. Most of these discoveries and Inventions are still valid and hold high positions in the modern world today, many are used as base to further enhance the collective knowledge of mankind.                            Today, let's take a look on 10 such surprising Inventions and discoveries from our ancient ancestors! 1. ZERO "0" (628 CE)                 Ancient Indian mathematician, Brahmagupta was the first person to describe and treat "0" as a number which has it's own rights in his book "Brahmasphutasiddhanta" which


                             O nly determined to fulfill their motives and desire and showing no pity or mercy to others is the definition of "RUTHLESS", and the history of India has seen many rulers and invaders who are the true embodiment of this word. These rulers had only one thing in mind and that is to impose and expand their power on others by any means possible. These rulers were not at all hesitant to massacre entire popullations when the people did not accept their rule.                                      Many of these rulers when conquering an area, killed people left and right, captured womens and childrens to put them in harems, killed men who belonged to a different religion and didn't accept theirs. They were the demons who spawned hell under their rule and gave human history a very dark turn. Today, let's take a look on 5 of the most cruel foreigners who ruled India! 5. ALAUDDIN KHILJI (reign:1296-1316 AD) People killed during rule: 1-2 million      


                                                    T he Kailasa or the Kailasanatha Temple is one of the most incredible example of architectural brilliance in the entire world. Located in the famous Ellora caves complex which is a UNESCO world heritage site, present in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra. The Kailasa temple is the largest cave temple of Ellora from the 34 cave temples in total. The construction of the temple is so remarkable that many believe it was made using advance technology and not just chisels and hammers. So today, let's take a look on the history of its creation, construction and some pretty amazing facts about it. Let's go! HISTORY OF CREATION:                            We have to go back a long time before today in the 8th century when India was under the rule of many prominant Empires like the Palas, the Pallavas, the Gurjara-Pratiharas, etc. But the most powerful empire of the time was the Rashtrakuta empire. It consisted of todays Karnataka, Maha


                                  I ndia, arguably the most invaded country in the entire world. This land has been invaded more than 200 times by foriegn invaders with a motive to hold control on this Great and Grand landmass. From the Persian's and Greek's in ancient times, to the Afgans, Turks and Britishers in the mediaeval and modern era, India has seen a dozen of invaders.                             But, have you ever wondered why? why was India the charm of the eye for everyone? what was so special about this land that for 2,500 years different rulers and conquerers wanted to have their control over it? Today, let's take a look on some of the major factors that leaded to india being invaded for thousand's of years. Let's begin! 1. Wealth                   It is not surprising that India was a very wealthy and prosperous country , It was literally called the "Sone ki Chidiya" (Golden Bird)! India alone contributed about 20-25% of the world GDP ju